Parametric Design: Mathematical Simulation of Natural Form as Artistic Medium. A Lecture by Tatyana Bortnik and Aleksandra Grishina


The project “Did You Have a Good Time?” Vremena Goda Café since 1968 continues with a lecture on parametric design, its roots, and the way it has influenced culture and art.

A breakthrough invention in object design, parametric modeling has created a wave of discoveries in visual arts, inspiring architects like Zaha Hadid and many fashion and interior designers. The aesthetic has spread to museums and urban spaces, leaving its mark on the architecture of Moscow and Simferopol.

Parametric design has its roots in Descartes’s calculations, Eifel’s modeling and Gaudi’s aesthetic ideas. Lecturers will look at natural structures and processes and trace the development of the method in art, its contemporary and possible future applications.


Tatayana Bortnik is an art historian, author of articles, teacher at Garage Museum of Contemporary Art.

Aleksandra Grishina is a jeweler, designer at iou design studio and research lab, invited lecturer at British Higher School of Art and Design.


Free admission with advance registration