
Open Call for a Series of Seminars on Women’s Writing Using Autotheory


Garage Museum of Contemporary Art and WLAG (Write Like a Grrrl) invite you to a series of seminars about women’s writing using autotheory. This series is focused mainly on women who are artists, writers, and interdisciplinary researchers from ethnic republics and/or from ethnicities not represented by territorial units.

Over six seminars, participants will cover three areas of work: reflection on personal experience and working with memory, theoretical writing, feminist and decolonial optics in art criticism. The aim of the meeting is to create texts that reflect on personal experience through the prism of feminist and decolonial writing theory.


The meetings will take place from April 13 to May 18, 2023, on Thursdays from 19:30 to 21:00.

To take part, please apply using the Google form. The closing date is April 9, 2023.


The results will be announced no later than April 11, 2023.

Participation is free based on the results of the open call.

Number of places: 15

Sessions will take place in hybrid format (at Garage and online via Zoom).