Mediators and online mediation diaries dedicated to the show Sekretiki: Digging Up Soviet Underground Culture, 1966–1985


Online mediation came forth as the only available format allowing Garage’s mediators to continue their work on the exhibition project Sekretiki: Digging Up Soviet Underground Culture, 1966–1985 during self-isolation, when the Museum is literally closed.

After completing a lengthy training program, the mediators only had the chance to work in the exhibition space for six weeks instead of the planned four months. This is why mediation has been transferred online and partially transformed. Sessions are introduced in the first instance. Each session lasts 40 to 90 minutes. Along with the lead mediator, it can involve up to six other people—otherwise the magic of a friendly conversation dissolves. Listeners have to register on our website for a specific time period that fits their schedule and receive an invitation to join a Zoom conference via the email prior to the start. There are four sessions conducted every day: two in the morning, and two in the evening. Mediation is available on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

All topics covered by online mediation are structured according to one and the same principle: the first part announces a theme covered by the exhibition, while the second is dedicated to the current situation of everyday life. For example, Mundanity poetry in the practice of Dmitry Prigov vs Mundanity poetry during self-isolation or Hippies in the USSR vs Why we dress up to shop for food. We hope that people have an opportunity to discuss both art and what really worries them in the current situation.

Mediators document their impressions and observations of the latest shift via diaries provided below.