Launch of the zine by Garage Teens Team: What’s Wrong with the Teens Team?





Rovesnik Bar


As a closing event of the course What’s Wrong with Garage? by Yuri Yurkin, the Garage Teens Team will hold an open discussion to launch the zine What’s Wrong with the Teens Team?

Curators and organizers of cultural and education events for teenagers will discuss how to engage the youth in museum activities and whether museums themselves are interested in working with younger professionals and forming different expectations in their twenty-first-century visitors.

In order to offer a broader view and expand the discussion beyond one institution, which is Garage, the team chose to hold the event at a different location and invited two other youth associations to take part—Pushkinsky.Youth and Kaskad.

Organizers: Sasha Vitko, Dasha Glushkova, Varya Grechukhina, Misha Dolgy-Rapoport, Sasha Yelisovitskaya, Nikita Yermoaev, Asya Ivanova, Maksim Kirillov, Dasha Lebedeva, Anna Usanova, Trofimovaanika, Margarita Mityakova, Ekaterina Mastyukova, Ekaterina Podchernyaeva


Yuri Yurkin is the head of Garage Research. He graduated in Cultural Studies from the Perm State Pedagogical University and teaches the course Contemporary Art: An Introduction at National Research University—Higher School of Economics. He curates the course What’s Wrong with Garage? for the Garage Teens Team.

Natalia Gomberg is the head of the program Pushkinsky.Youth at The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts. She graduated in Psychology from Lomonosov Moscow State University. She is the curator of the annual program I Will Show You the Museum and runs the groups Talks on Art and Family Group at Young Art Historians’ Club. She is a member of the Committee for Education and Cultural Action at the International Council of Museums (ICOM).

Anastasia Mityushina is curator of Public Programs at Garage. A graduate of the Art History and Theory Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University (2004), she headed Garage Education from 2010 to 2014. She is an invited lecturer at National Research University—Higher School of Economics (Moscow) and Business School RMA (Moscow), and a teacher at Shalash Charity (Moscow).

Lidia Lobanova is the curator of the program Applied Cultural Studies at The Polytechnic Museum, Moscow, co-founder of the independent creative association Kaskad.

Aleksandra Heifets is a co-founder of the independent creative association Kaskad, education and strategic programs adviser to the director of the Museum of Moscow.

Aleksandra Lyulina is a graduate of the Young Art Historians’ Club at The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts and the Art History program at National Research University—Higher School of Economics. She writes for the channel Bermoods.

Darya Lebedeva is a graduate of the third Garage Teens Team, an Art History student at National Research University—Higher School of Economics.

Mikhail Dolgy-Rapoport is a graduate of the third Garage Teens Team.

Amir Gaynutdinov is a member of the independent creative association Kaskad.

Arina Tagirova is a member of the independent creative association Kaskad, graduate of the Young Art Historians’ Club at The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Cultural Studies student at National Research University—Higher School of Economics.


Free admission.