As Garage celebrates its 10th anniversary this year, its current programs and projects reflect the Museum’s key principles: attention to the past, interest in the present, and aspiration for the future. The June program of lectures and creative workshops for children aged 6+ and adults will focus on childhood culture of the second half of the twentieth century.

How to take part

This program is for children aged 6+ accompanied by adults.

Admission is free with advance registration.

Accessible for people with disabilities. We welcome deaf and hard of hearing visitors, there will be teachers trained in Russian Sign Language at the workshops.


Family auditorium: What games did your grandma play? Children’s tabletop games in the twentieth century. 8+

Tabletop games have always been, and remain today, one of the favorite forms of children’s entertainment and family leisure. Adults used to not only spend time playing together with their kids, but kids also acquire new knowledge about the physical world, learn to count, train their skills in foreign languages, history, and mythology through such games. Cultural critic and historian specializing in Russian childhood culture Marina Kostyuhina will look at the most popular tabletop games of the twentieth century, speak about their authors and the circumstances in which they came into being, review the materials used by their designers, and explain the changes in the rules that have happened in the past hundred years.

About the lecturer

Marina Kostyuhina, PhD in Philology, docent at the Gertsen Russian State Pedagogical University, academic researcher in the field of children’s literature and history of children’s books.


Saturday, June 16
West Gallery

Workshop: Tabletop games design. 6+

One of the most widespread and popular formats of tabletop games along with lotto and cards is the “Goose” game played with tokens and a die, based around overcoming obstacles and moving around the board faster than opponents. In fact, the Goose game is mentioned as early as in medieval sources, while sets of elegant tokens have for a long time been given as gifts to royal persons. This game endures today in thousands of interpretations. The participants of the workshop will be offered the opportunity to come up with an idea for their own game in this genre and design a playing board and a set of tokens for it.


Saturday, June 16
West Gallery