The feeling of home is an individual sensation, which makes it even more interesting to discuss.
The feeling of home might be formed by memorable personal stories, by memories of childhood events that took place in spaces with specific visual characteristics or smells, by being in the present and close to family and friends. Is home the place where we are? Or is it a place from which it is important to keep our distance (to leave)? Or is the feeling of home connected to professional and national affiliations? Asya’s exhibition at the Oktava Cluster (curated by Monika Nors, to June 8) explores answers to these questions and the consideration of her own choices on this theme over the past seven years. Asya’s exhibition is based on the classic text by the philosopher Gaston Bachelard, «The Poetics of Space» (1957), in which he considers the idea of home through the psychology of the personality and perception. A discussion during an exhibition (and based on developing experience) is always a challenge for an artist, but it is impossible to resist the temptation to discover the living process of conceptualizing such topical dilemmas.