Anna Bronovitskaya.The Most Influential Books and Periodicals on Architecture and Urban Planning


The second to last lecture in the course offers an overview of key sources and periodicals on the theory and philosophy of architecture, as well as a list of international congresses and important manifestos of the 20th century.  

For centuries, printed publications, especially illustrated ones, have been among the most important tools for spreading architectural ideas and styles. In the 20th century, not only books but also magazines allowed the promotion of projects and theories of certain trends supported by the editors, and the criticism of opponents. Proponents of various architectural schools formed their camps around the leading magazines such as the Italian Casabella and Domus, Soviet Contemporary Architecture, French L'Architecture d'aujourd'hui and English Architectural Review.

This lecture will focus on such books as Toward a New Architecture by Le Corbusier, Style and Epoch by Moisei Ginzburg, Space, Time and Architecture by Sigfried Giedion, The New Brutalism by Reyner Banham, Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture and Learning From Las Vegas by Robert Venturi, and The Language of Postmodern Architecture by Charles Jencks.


Anna Bronovitskaya is an architectural historian, director of research at Moscow’s Institute of Modernism, and associate professor at MARCHI (Moscow Architectural Institute, State Academy). In 2015 she became one of the founders of the Institute of Modernism—an independent institution that researches Soviet architecture of the 1960s to 1980s. Since 1993, she has been lecturing at MARCHI. From 2011 to 2013, Bronovitskaya was head of the DOCOMOMO Russian section. She is also the author of multiple publications on 20th century architecture.