We dream of a new world, we theorize about post-human realities, we want to cross the border and leave our anthropocentrist cradle. We believe that we are ready for alternative ways of communication, we wish for something new, something different. The coming world is shimmering before us in the distance.
When we step forward with one foot, we necessarily leave, for a brief moment, the other foot behind. It ensures that we have the stability and the push to move forth. Without it there can be no step forward, there can be no leap. A study of alternative modes of communication is impossible without an understanding of the basics of perception. Perception in its turn cannot be studied without experimental provocation. For the exhibition The Coming World: Ecology as the New Politics 2030–2100, Anastasia Potemkina and Anna She have prepared an open three-hour provocation to explore the limitations of sensory perception: from their detection to creating new opportunities.
This provocation continues the study they started in June and July 2019. Everything you experience during the provocation will be used against you in the future to come.
The provocation will include experiments in crossmodal perception involving the senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.
The course is a second part of the laboratory A Study of the Phenomenon of Crossmodal Transfer of Sensations, which was open to participants based on an interview. The second part is open to all visitors.