Alexandra Portyannikova. Dance Interventions in the City. Site-Specific


A lecture on the history, theory, and practice of city interventions.

Many different kinds of art exist: street art, public art, site-specific art, urbanism, parkour, situationism. What do they have in common and what do they have to do with contemporary dance? When and why has art started to leave galleries and theaters? These are the questions artist Alexandra Portyannikova will discuss in her lecture, drawing on her own experience of dance interventions (such as the Laminaria Flow group performances in the city).


Alexandra Portyannikova is a dancer, performance artist and choreographer, and the co-founder of dance cooperative Isadorino Gore. She has taught and organized dance projects at the TSEKH dance school. She studied at the Vaganova Dance Academy and received a Russian Ministry of Culture scholarship. She has collaborated with V-A-C, Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow Manege, Solyanka VPA, Amnesty International, Goethe Institut, ZIL Cultural Center, and Meyerhold Theater Center, among other institutions.