A scanogram is an artistic print created using a scanner. This technique offers the possibility of easily combining different kinds of objects into a unified whole that is very convincing.
Katya’s first experience of making scanograms was in 2018, when she and others organized the exhibition-intervention Artificial Pollination in the old reserve hothouse at the Botanical Garden and created a hybrid of birds and plants. Katya proposes making such hybrids during the masterclass at Garage. This practice enables participants to relax, wandering through the park in fall in search of nature, and to fantasize. The opportunity for guided creativity is also important to the artist, as it gives her the opportunity to take a break from the intensive production of art and exhibitions. For inspiration, Katya will talk in more detail about her method, when she is «both Vavilov and Michurin, ” and will play her audio fairy tale Wittgenstein’s Dream.