The family tree of Russian contemporary art. Lecture 8. Sasha Obukhova on Alexey Kallima






The next artist to feature in the course of lectures "The Family Tree of Russian Contemporary Art" is Alexey Kallima, who worked closely with the collective Radek and founded the informal gallery France in 2001. A representative of the first post-Soviet generation in Russian art, he was one of the key representatives of "nonspectacular art" in the early 2000s. He became famous as an artist working mainly on the topic of the war in Chechnya, depicted in paintings and drawings, large-scale murals and artistic events. Over time, he abandoned directly political art, creating abstract and pop art objects. Today, he works with a romanticized vision of everyday life, staying true to classical painting.

Kallima was born in 1969 in Grozny and lives and works in Moscow. He studied in the painting department of the Krasnodar Art College. Since 2001 he has been a curator of France gallery. He has shown work at the Venice Biennale (2009, 1995) and the festival "Europalia" (2005), presented special projects at the 1st and 2nd Moscow Biennale (2005, 2007), and has held solo exhibitions in Russia, Europe, and the United States. In 2005 he received the Innovation Award for "Best work of art" for his work Terek – Chelsea.



Sasha Obukhova is an art historian and Head of Garage Museum’s Research Department. She graduated from Moscow State University in 1992 and in 1993 studied at the Central European University (Prague). She has worked at the Institute of Contemporary Art, the State Tretyakov Gallery, and the National Center for Contemporary Art. In 2000 she was involved in a working group that curated a permanent exhibition for the Tretyakov Gallery: The Art of the Second Half of the XX Century. In 2004 she became a founding member and director of the Art Projects Fund, where she established ACRA (the Archive of Contemporary Russian Art). She is a member of the Advisory Board of the Kandinsky Prize. 

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