Just art. Meeting 6. Arseny Zhilyaev


Thursday, July 30, 2015, 19:30
Garage LAB
Free admission


Just Art is a series of discussions with artists moderated by renowned art critic and historian Andrey Kovalev.

Using artistic, political, scientific, and museological histories to uncover and propose potential futures, Zhilyaev explores a productive space between fiction and non-fiction. Within his recent projects, the artist casts a revisionist lens on the heritage of soviet museology.

Arseny Zhilyaev is an artist who lives and works in Moscow and Voronezh. Zhilyaev graduated from Voronezh State University, Philosophical Faculty (2006); Moscow Institute of Contemporary Art (2008); and MA International Programs, Valand School of Fine Arts, Goteborg, Sweden (2010). Recent accolades include the Innovation 2010 Russian state award in the sphere of contemporary art, the Soratnik [Companion-in- Arms] 2010 and 2012 awards, and a nomination for the Visible Award in 2013. Since 2011, Zhilyaev has also been a member of the editorial board of the Moscow art magazine, Khudozhestvennyi Zhurnal. He is a contributor of e-flux Journal and others.


  1. Arseny Zhilyaev
    Pedagogical Poem.  Archive of the Future Museum of History (together with Ilya Budraitskis and collective of the project). 2012-2015
    Mixed technic
    Courtesy of the artist and V-a-c Foundation
  2. Arseny Zhilyaev
    M.I.R.: Polite Guests from the Future. 2014
    Mixed technic
    Courtesy of the artist and Kadist Foundation
  3. Arseny Zhilyaev
    M.I.R.: New paths to the objects. 2014
    Mixed technic
    Courtesy of the artist and Kadist Foundation
  4. Arseny Zhilyaev
    Museum of Proletarian Culture. The Industrialization of Bohemia. 2012-2015
    Mixed technic
    Courtesy of the artist and Kadist Foundation
  5. Arseny Zhilyaev
    Cradle of Humankind. 2015
    Mixed technic
    Courtesy of the artist and V-a-c Foundation
  6. Arseny Zhilyaev
    Cradle of Humankind. 2015
    Mixed technic
    Courtesy of the artist and V-a-c Foundation
  7. Arseny Zhilyaev
    Pedagogical Poem.  Archive of the Future Museum of History (together with Ilya Budraitskis and collective of the project). 2012-2015
    Part of the installation
    Courtesy of the artist and V-a-c Foundation