George Maciunas – Rirkrit Tiravanija: Tactics of Everyday Routine



Wednesday, 19:30



George Maciunas (1931–1978) was an American artist and composer of Lithuanian origin. Until 1948 he lived in Germany, but he fled with his family from the advancing Red Army in 1944 and moved to the United States. One of the most radical artists of the mid-twentieth century, Maciunas was the founder and main theoretician of Fluxus, whose participants included John Cage, Joseph Beuys and Yoko Ono. He described Fluxus as “a complex of vaudeville, lies, children's games and Duchamp." In 2010, the Multimedia Art Museum celebrated the movement with the retrospective exhibition "Fluxus: wait and see."

Rirkrit Tiravanija (b. 1961) was born in Buenos Aires, grew up in Thailand, studied in the US, and now lives between Berlin and New York. His art is characteristic of the “Relational Aesthetics” of the 1990s, which made a radical break with traditional media in favor of participatory, socially based events. At the Venice Biennale in 1993, for example, he treated the audience to Chinese noodles on a gondola. In 2004 he was awarded the Guggenheim Museum’s biannual Hugo Boss Prize, and in 2010 he won the Absolut Art Award.



Irina Kulik is an art critic, cultural studies expert, PhD, lecturer at the Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA Moscow), the author of numerous publications on contemporary art, cinema and modern music.

how to take part

Entrance is free, space is limited, please arrive early.