Max Ernst – Rebecca Horn: Machines of Art



Wednesday, 19:30



Max Ernst (1891–1976) was a key figure of Dadaism and one of the founders of Surrealism, who worked in Germany, France, and the USA.  He studied art history, philosophy and psychiatry, and as a self-taught artist developed “automatism,” one of the main concepts of Surrealism. A painter, sculptor, graphic artist, and poet, he brought a series of new techniques to art practices, such as collage, frottage, grattage, decalomania, and oscillation, a forerunner of the ‘action painting’ of the American Abstract Expressionists.

Rebecca Horn (b.1944), a leading German artist and filmmaker, carries Surrealism into contemporary art. Like Max Ernst, she operates as an inventor-artist, metamorphosing the world and its creatures in her works. Her bizarre devices, body costumes, and mechanisms, including machines that produce art and music, embody the surrealistic concept of automatism.



Irina Kulik is an art critic, cultural studies expert, PhD, lecturer at the Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA Moscow), the author of numerous publications on contemporary art, cinema and modern music.

how to take part

Entrance is free, space is limited, please arrive early.