2022 Point of Displacement


This year's annual project dedicated to migration and ethno-cultural diversity is built around the themes of careful dialogue and respect for difference.

Since its launch, Garage Inclusive Programs Department has been committed to building an inclusive society in the Museum space and beyond. For this reason, the program of the 2022 Point of Displacement Project is centered around unifying formats. The Museum space and the surrounding park will turn into places that draw attention to the representation of stories and experiences of living in different cultures and to the discussion of one's own emotions and memories associated with otherness and diversity.

On offer are family masterclasses designed in collaboration with the Samokat publishing house, guided tours with translation into Kyrgyz, Karakalpak, Armenian, and Dari, which are underrepresented langauges in the Russian cultural environment, and a therapeutic conversation combined with collective cooking in the space of the installation-garden Silence.

The Point of Displacement Festival is an annual series of events about migration and ethno-cultural diversity organized by Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, the Museum of Moscow, the State Tretyakov Gallery, the Neighbors' Languages School education project, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), and “Kids are Kids” Integration Center for Refugee and Migrant Children. You can find more about the 2019, 2020, and 2021 events at pointofdisplacement.ru

How to take part

Free admission with advance registration.


Masterclass for teenagers Ink Adventure. Drawing Chmukhliks Using Pens and Blots

Artist Tamara Mkryan will run a masterclass for teenagers based on Petra Soukopova's book Bertik and Chmukh.

This is a book about the chmukh, an amazing creature that only children can see. He comes to those who feel bad and helps them cope with sadness, despondency or anger and/or harmfulness boiling up inside.

During the masterclass, participants will create their own chmukhliks using ink blots, feathers, and dried flowers. Making a chmukhlik is an opportunity to talk about feelings, and not only with people around but also with our inner interlocutor.

The family book club and masterclasses are organized by Garage in collaboration with the Samokat publishing house.


The event is accessible to deaf and hard of hearing visitors and will be translated into Russian Sign Language.
If you need translation into other languages, please indicate this when registering for the event.

Sunday, June 19

Masterclass for children based on the book The Walrus is Like a Walrus, Nothing Special

Together with artist Dasha Dimitrova, who is author of the book The Walrus is Like a Walrus, Nothing Special, masterclass participants will discuss self-esteem, vulnerability, and its role in self-determination for each of us, before creating their own “inner walruses” that can embrace diverse identities and essences.


The event is accessible to deaf and hard of hearing visitors and will be translated into Russian Sign Language.
If you need translation into other languages, please indicate this when registering for the event.

Sunday, June 19