The Melnikov House, Moscow (1927–1929)
The Melnikov House is a detailed account of the unusual cyclindrical house built by Konstantin Melnikov for himself and his family in Moscow from 1927 to 1929. The house is explored in two essays and in photographs and drawings ranging from Melnikov's original plans to photographs taken during the construction and detailed renovation drawings. In his analytical essay Juhani Pallasmaa investigates the genealogy of the Melnikov House, looking at precedent and discussing the use of the cylindrical form. Andrei Gozak's essay contains important new information about the original use of color in the house and gives an account of the plight of The Melnikov House since 1929. The Melnikov House is a splendid contribution to architectural studies with its profusion of black‑and‑white and color illustrations throughout and thus providing a series of perfect visualizations of the text narrative.
80 pages
Available on request
725.33 Мел
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