Revolution and Subjectivity
The book includes essays of Daniel Patrick Rodriguez and Dario Corbeira; Milos Petrovic, Foreword; Antonio Negri, On the Concept of Revolution; David Harvey, What is to be Done?; Barbara Epstein, On the Disappearance of Socialist Humanism; Alain Badiou, Politics: A Non-expressive Dialectics; Domenico Losurdo, The Adventures of the Revolutionary Subject from the 19th to the 21st Century; Alex Callinicos, New Theorists of the Dialectic? Alain Badiou and Slavoj Zizek; Slavoj Zizek, Welcome to Interesting Times!; Gene Ray, Limits of Terror: On Culture Industry, Enforcement and Revolution; Michael Lowy, Lukacs’s Marxism of Revolutionary Subjectivity; Simon Critchley, Resistance is Utile: Authoritarianism versus Anarchism; John Holloway, We, the hidden schizophrenic cripples of the world, the true proletariat, are the revolutionary subject; Alberto Toscano, The Dirty Hands of the Dialectic; Milos Petrovic Crisis, Critique, and the Left; John Bellamy Foster, Why Ecological Revolution? and David Harvey, Afterword
Anarchism, Marxism, Political science, Revolution, Socialism, Philosophy
Epstein Barbara (Article author), Lowy Michael (Article author), Žižek Slavoj (Article author), Badiou Alain (Article author), Critchley Simon (Article author), Ray Gene (Article author), Callinicos Alex (Article author), Negri Antonio (Article author), Toscano Alberto (Article author), Losurdo Domenico (Article author), Harvey David (Article author), Foster John Bellamy (Article author), Holloway John (Article author), Petrovic Milos (Preface)
288 pages
Available on request
300.1 Pet
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