Gender and Humor: Interdisciplinary and International Perspectives
This book draws together and focuses the work of scholars from diverse disciplines on intersections of gender and humor, giving voice to approaches in disciplines such as film, television, literature, linguistics, translation studies, and popular culture.
Holmes Janet (Article author), Martin Rod A. (Article author), Del Negro Giovanna P. (Article author), Lockyer Sharon (Article author), Davis Jessica Milner (Article author), Bouchetoux Francois (Article author), Wagner-Lawlor Jennifer A. (Article author), Finney Gail (Article author), Klein Sheri R. (Article author), Scheibman Joanne (Article author), Senzani Alessandra (Article author), Baccolini Raffaella (Article author), Emig Rainer (Article author), Coates Jennifer (Article author), Schnurr Stephanie (Article author), Gardaphé Fred (Article author), Gray Frances (Article author), Kulick Don (Article author), Maher Brigid (Article author), Bing Janet (Article author), Chiaro Delia (Article author)
New York City
346 pages
Open stacks
304.1 Chi
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