That's Me: Photographic Self-Images
Defining and questioning one's role as an artist using photography has been used since the 1960s. This catalogue contains around 100 photographs by Valie Export, Aino Kannisto, Elke Krystufek, J rgen Klauke, Martin Liebscher, Christopher Makos, Rudolf Schwarzkogler and Cindy Sherman and negotiates themes like self‑questioning, ambivalence, the staged discovery of the self in poses of strangeness and social exclusion. This reveals the real and symbolic formulation of the fragility of the body, the testing of social taboos and the blurring of the boundaries between gender and identity. Today, the self has in many ways become an open medium.
Kröger Michael (Article author), Niemeyer Thomas (Article author), Nachtigäller Roland (Preface)
Export Valie, Sherman Cindy, Kannisto Aino, Krystufek Elke, Liebscher Martin, Makos Christopher, Klauke Jürgen, Schwarzkogler Rudolf
120 pages
Available on request
770 Her
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