Los Angeles Architecture. The Contemporary Condition
The book is devoted to Los Angeles contemporary architecture. The architecture of Los Angeles seems at first sight to be chaotic, individualism apparently being its only rationale. This book vigorously challenges that view, looking beneath the seductive surface to reveal why the architectural scene of this unique city really is so fascinating. Beginning with the pioneering characters of the American Arts and Crafts movement, the author traces Los Angeles' architectural energy through the works of Frank Lloyd Wright and Rudolph Schindler to arrive at the buildings of Frank Gehry, who is widely acknowledged as a peerless interpreter of his surroundings. This expansive analysis further proceeds to investigate the work of those who have followed Gehry's lead, from the avant‑garde institutions such as Sci‑Arc to those who are attempting to complete the Los Angeles myth by at last giving it a downtown zone. At once intellectually stimulating, architecturally informative and aesthetically appealing, this volume stands out on all fronts, to demonstrate that Los Angeles architecture really is inexhaustibly inspiring.
Architecture, Applied art and design, Local context, Modernism, Postmodernism, USA, Urban design and town planning
Wright Frank Lloyd, Greene and Greene, Neutra Richard Joseph, Gehry Frank, Banham Reyner, Moss Eric Owen, Eames Charles, Schindler Rudolph Michael, Kahn Louis, Israel Franklin David, Entenza John, Koenig Pierre, Gill Irving, Venturi Robert, Mayne Thom
232 pages
Available on request
721 Лос
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