Saving Stalin's Imperial City: Historic Preservation in Leningrad, 1930–1950
This book is the history of the successes and failures in historic preservation and of Leningraders' determination to honor the memory of the terrible siege the city had endured during World War II. The book stresses the counterintuitive nature of Stalinist policies, which allocated scarce wartime resources to save historic monuments of the tsarist and imperial past even as the very existence of the Soviet state was being threatened, and again after the war, when housing, hospitals, and schools needed to be rebuilt. Postwar Leningrad was at the forefront of a concerted restoration effort, fueled by commemorations that glorified the city's wartime experience, encouraged civic pride, and mobilized residents to rebuild their hometown. For Leningrad, the restoration of monuments and commemorations of the siege were intimately intertwined, served similar purposes, and were mutually reinforcing. (Steven Maddox)
Architecture, 20th‑century history, Local context, Museography, Violence, Memory, Restoration, Stalinism, Urban design and town planning
Bloomington, Indiana
284 pages
Available on request
720.95 Mad
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