A Cultural History of Disability in the Middle Age
The second volume of “A Cultural History of Disability” is devoted to disability in Middle Ages. The Middle Ages was an era of dynamic social transformation, and notions of disability in medieval culture reflected how norms and forms of embodiment interacted with gender, class, and race, among other dimensions of human difference. Ideas of disability in courtly romance, saints' lives, chronicles, sagas, secular lyrics, dramas, and pageants demonstrate the nuanced, and sometimes contradictory, relationship between cultural constructions of disability and the lived experience of impairment. An essential resource for researchers, scholars, and students of history, literature, visual art, cultural studies, and education, “A Cultural History of Disability in the Middle Ages” explores themes and topics such as atypical bodies; mobility impairment; chronic pain and illness; blindness; deafness; speech; learning difficulties; and mental health.
Anthropology, Gender studies, Identity, Inclusiveness, Religion, Body
Singer Julie (Article author), Wheatley Edward (Article author), Spencer‑Hall Alicia (Article author), Buhrer Eliza (Article author), Godden Richard (Article author), Pfau Aleksandra (Article author), Sexton John P. (Article author), Tracy Kisha G. (Article author), Eyler Joshua R. (Preface), Pearman Tory Vandeventer (Preface), Hsy Jonathan (Preface)
200 pages
Available on request
370 Bol
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