Fifty Key Texts in Art History
Fifty Key Texts in Art History is an anthology of critical commentaries selected from the classical period to the late modern. It explores some of the central and emerging themes, issues and debates within Art History as an increasingly expansive and globalised discipline. It features an international range of contributors, including art historians, artists, curators and gallerists. Arranged chronologically, each entry includes a bibliography for further reading and a key word index for easy reference. Text selections range across issues including artistic value, cultural identity, modernism, gender, psychoanalysis, photographic theory, poststructuralism and postcolonialism.
Abstract art, Art Nouveau, Modern, Jugendstil, Africa, UK, India, Marxism, Realism, Feminism, Philosophy
Baudelaire Charles (Article author), Foster Harold Foss (Article author), Gombrich Ernst (Article author), Worringer Wilhelm (Article author), Kant Immanuel (Article author), Picton John (Article author), Guattari Felix (Article author), Burgin Victor (Article author), Greenberg Clement (Article author), Bourriaud Nicolas (Article author), Parker Rozsika (Article author), Fuller Peter (Article author), Pollock Griselda (Article author), Badiou Alain (Article author), Araeen Rasheed (Article author), Mercer Kobena (Article author), Winckelmann Johann Joachim (Article author), Didi‑Huberman Georges (Article author), Kapur Geeta (Article author), Szarkowski John (Article author), Heidegger Martin (Article author), Vasari Giorgio (Article author), Baxandall Michael (Article author), Valery Paul (Article author), Alloway Lawrence (Article author), Klingender Francis D. (Article author), Kristeva Julia (Article author), Gray Camilla (Article author), Deleuze Gilles (Article author), Cixous Helene (Article author), O'Doherty Brian (Article author), Stokes Adrian (Article author), Mitter Partha (Article author), Bhabha Homi K. (Article author), Fanon Frantz (Article author), Kandinsky Wassily (Article author), Danto Arthur (Article author), Debord Guy (Article author), Mulvey Laura (Article author), Butler Judith (Article author), Fried Michael (Article author), Benjamin Walter (Article author), Hegel Georg Wilhelm Friedrich (Article author)
250 pages
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701.1 New
- Globalization and Contemporary Art2011
- Tactical Biopolitics. Art, Activism, and Technoscience2008
- Lawrence Alloway: Critic and Curator2015
- Artistic Ecologies: New Compasses and Tools2022
- Monumentalism: History, National Identity and Contemporary Art/ Monumentalisme: geschiedenis, nationale identiteit en hedendaagse kunst2010
- The Routledge Companion to Art and Politics2015
- The need to document2005
- Tourists like us. Critical Tourism and Contemporary Art2013
- Произведение искусства как документ эпохи. Время, язык, образ. Часть 12014
- Пространство ВХУТЕМАС: Наследие. Традиции. Новации.2010
- AC/DC: Contemporary Art/Contemporary Design2008
- The Encyclopedia of Fictional Artists2011