Memories of Baku
The book is the visual retelling of the rich history of the capital of Azerbaijan and the country's rise to power as one of the largest oil producing nations in the world. This publication showcases the unique socio‑economic cultural and political situation of Baku in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, presented alongside aspects of Baku culture in the forms of architecture, music, theater and the visual arts. Embellished with photographs, advertisements and postcard views of the once‑opulent city, “Memories of Baku” reaches beyond the classical stereotypes of Azerbaijan as the land of fire, focusing instead on what are considered the more formative elements of Baku's community. The postcard illustrations included in this collection are derived from the personal collection of editor Nicolas V. Iljine, who has developed a passion for discovering and sharing these impressions of an antiquated city with the public.
Azerbaijan, Architecture, 20th‑century history, Cinema, Local context, Poster, Photography
Alakbarli Farid (Article author), Aliyeva Farah (Article author), Byers Hannah (Article author), Selimkhanov Jahangir (Article author), Świętochowski Tadeusz (Article author), Akhundov Fuad (Article author), Iljine Nicolas V. (Preface)
New York City
152 pages
Available on request
721 Бак
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