Joined Forces: Audience Participation in Theatre
The book presents various examples of audience participation in theatre linking them to problems of participation in democracy and to socially engaged art. It comprised of four interviews and ten essays, case studies, manifestos and anti‑manifestos by theatre makers, curators, critics, and scholars. Artists and researchers from different countries were asked to reflect on the idea of participation, to share their experiences and write about their successes and fails, hopes and doubts.
Democracy, Identity, Interview, Local context, Participatory practices & Relational aesthetics, Performance, Political art, Socially engaged art, Theater, Art‑related socializing, Artists on their works
Vanhee Sarah (Article author), Nduhura Dominique (Article author), Pickels Antoine (Article author), Sowa Jan (Article author), Boutens Justine (Article author), De Somere Sophie (Article author), Basteri Elena (Article author), Tscholl Miriam (Article author), Fratini Serafide Roberto (Article author), Arrabal Ophelia Patricio (Article author), Tupajić Tea (Article author), Bernat Roger (Article author), Vujanović Ana (Article author), Müller Tobi (Article author), Berg Lotte van den (Article author), Sellar Tom (Article author), Roosen Adelheid (Article author), Ziemilski Wojtek (Article author), Czirak Adam (Article author), Freiburg Johanna (Article author), Trost Bastian (Article author), Haug Helgard (Article author), Kaegi Stefan (Article author), Wetzel Daniel (Article author), Barret John (Translator), Welchman Peter (Translator), Bemont Jane (Translator), dos Anjos Leonilda Saraiva (Translator)
200 pages
Available on request
792 Bur
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