Museum Practice
The International Handbooks of Museum Studies is a multi-volume reference work that represents a state-of-the-art survey of the burgeoning field of museum studies. Featuring original essays by leading international museum experts and emerging scholars, readings cover all aspects of museum theory, practice, debates, and the impact of technologies. The four volumes in the series, divided thematically, offer in-depth treatment of all major issues relating to museum theory; historical and contemporary museum practice; mediations in art, design, and architecture; and the transformations and challenges confronting the museum. In addition to invaluable surveys of current scholarship, the entries include a rich and diverse panoply of examples and original case studies to illuminate the various perspectives. Unprecedented for its in-depth topic coverage and breadth of scholarship, the multi-volume International Handbooks of Museum Studies is an indispensable resource for the study of the development, roles, and significance of museums in contemporary society. Museum Practice addresses areas of museum work--especially those that have been neglected in the existing critical literature--in order to re-articulate and transcend the theory-practice division.
Selwood Sara (Article author), Reeve John (Article author), Dodd Jocelyn (Article author), Sully Dean (Article author), Merriman Nick (Article author), Crooke Elizabeth (Article author), Arnold Ken (Article author), Black Graham (Article author), Gerson Rina (Article author), Jones Ceri (Article author), Fleming David (Article author), Gardner James B. (Article author), Young Linda (Article author), Lord Gail (Article author), Lord Barry (Article author), Silberberg Ted (Article author), Woollard Vicky (Article author), Simmons John E. (Article author)
652 pages
Available on request
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