The Routledge Handbook of Disability Activism
The onslaught of neoliberalism, austerity measures and cuts, impact of climate change, protracted conflicts and ongoing refugee crisis, rise of far right and populist movements have all negatively impacted on disability. Yet, disabled people and their allies are fighting back and we urgently need to understand how, where and what they are doing, what they feel their challenges are and what their future needs will be. This comprehensive handbook emphasizes the importance of everyday disability activism and how activists across the world bring together a wide range of activism tactics and strategies.
Spagnuolo Natalie (Article author), Viera Jose (Article author), Šumskienė Eglė (Article author), Gevorgianienė Violeta (Article author), Genienė Rasa (Article author), Sépulchre Marie (Article author), Lindberg Lars (Article author), Frobisher Emma (Article author), Elberg Willem (Article author), Okwany Auma (Article author), Graham Melissa (Article author), Dube Kudakwashe (Article author), Stewart Mo (Article author), Griffiths Miro (Article author), Sansome Joanne (Article author), Crow Liz (Article author), Rae John (Article author), Santinele Martino Alan (Article author), Campbell Margaret (Article author), Loce‑Mandes Fabrizio (Article author), McKenna Denise (Article author), Peters Paula (Article author), Moth Rich (Article author), Rugoho Tafadzwa (Article author), Merchant Wendy (Article author), Swaffer Kate (Article author), Mittler Peter (Article author), Nagase Osamu (Article author), Barokka Khairani (Article author), Haslett Damian (Article author), Smith Brett (Article author), Pizzo Ciro (Article author), Pacelli Carmela (Article author), Gargiulo Maria Grazia (Article author), Jones Charlotte (Article author), Slater Jenny (Article author), Kemp Gill (Article author), Lisney Eleanor (Article author), Rennie Sarah (Article author), Henry‑Buckmire Sylette (Article author), Dube Nqobani (Article author), Gaverio Marco Antonio (Article author), de Mello Anahí Guedes (Article author), Block Pamela (Article author), McGlade Hannah (Article author), Chowaniec‑Rylke Anna (Article author), Cork Stephanie J. (Article author), Douthirt‑Cohen Beth (Article author), Hoffman Kelly M. (Article author), Jaeger Paul T. (Article author), Soorenian Armineh (Article author), Deora Pragya (Article author), Davenport Erin (Article author), Musengi Martin (Article author), Fudge Schormans Ann (Article author), Hunt Rainbow (Article author), McCormick Donna (Article author), Biggz Romeo Dontae Tresean Pierre (Article author), Rioux Marcia (Article author), Pinto Paula Campos (Article author), Wakene Dagnachew Bogale (Article author), Keravica Rados (Article author), Sibanda Samantha (Preface), Mateta Abraham (Preface), Sunar Krishna Bahadur (Preface), Berghs Maria (Preface), Chataika Tsitsi (Preface), Dube Kudakwashe (Preface), El‑Lahib Yahya (Preface)
New York City
484 pages
Available on request
370 Ber
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