Disability, Space, Architecture: A Reader
The book is a pioneering study of the interrelationships of architecture, disability and cities. She uses materials from various fields such as architecture, geography, anthropology, health studies, English language and literature, rhetoric and composition, art history, disability studies and art for the disabled. The book helps students, teachers and architects to better understand the problems of disability, space and architecture. It also shows that disability can be not only a limitation, but also an opportunity for creativity and self‑expression.
Williamson Bess (Article author), Boys Jos (Article author), Anderberg Peter (Article author), Byrd Todd (Article author), Cachia Amanda (Article author), Crow Liz (Article author), Dolmage Jay (Article author), Fitzsimons Juan Kent (Article author), Hamraie Aimi (Article author), Handler Sophie (Article author), Hendren Sara (Article author), Hunt Paul (Article author), Imrie Rob (Article author), Jain Sarah Lochlann (Article author), Thomas Katie Lloyd (Article author), McMillan Thea (Article author), Michalko Rod (Article author), Moser Ingunn (Article author), Price Margaret (Article author), Serlin David (Article author), Siebers Tobin (Article author), Titchkosky Tanya (Article author), White Stefan (Article author), Williamson Aaron (Article author)
New York City
317 pages
Available on request
370 Boy
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