Museum Activism
Authors explore the role of museums in the struggle for social justice, equality and environmental conservation, proves that museums can be not only repositories of art and history, but also active participants in social processes. The book brings together authors from different countries and cultures to explore how museums can use their knowledge and resources to solve social problems.
Brazil, Gender studies, Inclusiveness, Curatorial practices, Museography, Politics, Postcolonial studies, USA, Differences theory, Feminism
Moore Porchia (Article author), Vlachou Maria (Article author), Wajid Sara (Article author), Wood Elizabeth (Article author), Wray Lynn (Article author), Bailey Dina A. (Article author), Bergevin Jennifer (Article author), Bosworth Kai (Article author), Brekke Åshild Andrea (Article author), Carter Jennifer (Article author), Carvill Schellenbacher Jennifer (Article author), Coffee Kevin (Article author), Coleman Laura-Edythe (Article author), Conley Bridget (Article author), Chipangura Njabulo (Article author), Cole Sarah A. (Article author), Crooks Julie (Article author), Curran Sean (Article author), Dale‑Hallett Liza (Article author), Freeman Stacey (Article author), Díaz Lina María (Article author), Forero Parra Michael Andrés (Article author), Forni Silvia (Article author), French Jade (Article author), Garrard Chris (Article author), Gauld Nicola (Article author), Golding Viv (Article author), Heal Sharon (Article author), Ho Selina (Article author), Hollows Victoria (Article author), Hughes Sioned (Article author), Janes Robert R. (Article author), Kidd Jenny (Article author), Kudlick Catherine Jean (Article author), Lleras Figueroa Cristina (Article author), Luby Edward Michael (Article author), Lynch Bernadette (Article author), Lyons Steve (Article author), McCann Mercy (Article author), McFadzean Moya (Article author), McNamara Julie (Article author), Marufu Happinos (Article author), Mauri Tatiana (Article author), Minott Rachael (Article author), Moulton Kimberley (Article author), Murta Marcelo Lages (Article author), Phillips Elen (Article author), Ting Vivian (Article author), Popescu Diana I. (Article author), Serafini Paula (Article author), Sandell Richard (Preface), Rodegher Sandra L. (Preface)
New York City
405 pages
Available on request
370 San
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