Capital is Dead: Is This Something Worse?
In this radical and visionary new book, McKenzie Wark argues that the all‑pervasive presence of data in our networked society has given rise to a new mode of production, one not ruled over by capitalists and their factories but by those who own and control the flow of information. Yet, if this is not capitalism anymore, could it be something worse? The book offers not only the theoretical tools to analyse this new world of information, but the ones to change it, too. Drawing on the writings of the Situationists and a range of contemporary theorists, Wark offers a vast panorama of the contemporary condition and the classes that control it.
Internet, Information society, Capitalism, Marxism, Neoliberalism, Political science, Sociology
Marx Karl, Weber Max, Durkheim David Émile, Wright Erik Olin, Sartre Jean‑Paul, Lukács György, Engels Friedrich, Althusser Louis, Debord Guy
208 pages
Available on request
300.1 War
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