Manifestos for the Future of Critical Disability Studies: Volume 1
This collection identifies key tensions and conflicts being debated within the field of critical disability studies and provides both an outline of the field in its current form and offers manifestos for its future direction. A number of common thematic concerns emerge across the book such as digital futures, the usefulness of anger, creativity, family as disability allies, intersectionality, ethics, eugenics, accessibility and interdisciplinarity, and offers a transdisciplinary perspective on the future of disability research. The book contains contributions from recognized and emerging experts in the field of study, cultural studies and sociology.
Architecture, Applied art and design, Inclusiveness, Capitalism, Politics, Legal protection, Urban design and town planning
Robertson Rachel (Article author), Yoshizaki‑Gibbons Hailee M. (Article author), Ellis Katie (Article author), Kent Mike (Article author), Garland‑Thomson Rosemarie (Article author), Annamma Subini Ancy (Article author), Berger James (Article author), Boxall Kathy (Article author), Brown Justin (Article author), Castrodale Mark Anthony (Article author), Connor David John (Article author), Fernandes Christina (Article author), Ferri Beth A. (Article author), Goggin Gerard (Article author), Goodley Dan (Article author), Hollier Scott (Article author), Horton Sarah (Article author), Lawthom Rebecca (Article author), Lewthwaite Sarah (Article author), Liddiard Kirsty (Article author), Loftis Sonya Freeman (Article author), Mitchell David T. (Article author), McRae Leanne (Article author), Akemi Nishida (Article author), Pullin Graham (Article author), Runswick‑Cole Katherine (Article author), Skoss Rachel (Article author), Sloan David (Article author), Smith Dianne (Article author), Snyder Sharon L. (Article author), Torres Washieka (Article author)
New York City
280 pages
Available on request
370 Ell
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