L'Avant-Garde Russe dans la collection Costakis
Catalog of the exhibition of the Costakis collection, which was exhibited for the first time in France. The great merit of the Costakis collection, apart from its exceptional richness, is that it demonstrates the diversity of a multi‑faceted avant‑garde, in which the main movements — cubo‑futurism, suprematism and constructivism — appear more open and fluid than we could have imagined, and the personal trajectories more convoluted. This collection also reveals secondary artistic periods and little‑known artists, such as the “organicism” of Matiouchine and Ender, the “electro‑organism” of Redko, the “analytical art” of Filonov and Samuilo, and the critical figuration of Nikritin. The exhibition explores how Russian artists of the 1920s anticipated, through surprising works of art, the artistic research that developed after the war in the West by American abstract expressionism, French lyrical abstraction, and even minimalism and new figuration.
Avant‑garde, International exhibitions by Russian artists, Applied art and design, Painting, Collecting, Constructivism, Cubo‑Futurism, Suprematism
Kobry Yves (Article author), Tsantsanoglou Maria (Article author), Marcadé Jean‑Claude (Article author), Rakitin Vasilii (Article author)
Popova Lyubov, Ender Boris, Lissitzky El, Kliun Ivan, Rodchenko Aleksander, Malevich Kazimir, Suetin Nikolay, Morgunov Alexei, Chashnik Ilya, Costakis Georgi, Udal'tsova Nadezhda, Pestel Vera, Magaril Evgeniya, Nikritin Solomon, Lentulov Aristarkh, Stepanova Varvara, Mansourov Pavel, Kudryashov Ivan, Senkin Sergey, Plaksin Mikhail, Klutsis Gustavs, Sofronova Antonina, Tatlin Vladimir, Stenberg Vladimir, Ekster Aleksandra, Vyalov Konstantin, Ender Ksenia, Matyushin Mikhail, Sulimo‑Samuyllo Vsevolod, Rozanova Olga, Drevin Aleksandr, Redko Kliment, Filonov Pavel
224 pages
Available on request
700.742 Kos
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