Portuguese Photography Since 1854: Livro de Viagens
This survey of Portuguese photography consists of technical rarities from the 19th century, historical and journalistic images, landscape photography, and the works of the most important modern and contemporary Portuguese photographers. The spectrum is wide, from street scenes of Lisbon to artistically stylized portraits, and all points between. Central to the book are those themes of Portugal's history, including the travel inherent in a once colonial power. The book includes many photographs from locales far outside of the country's actual borders.
Siza Maria Tereza (Article author, Preface), Porto Nuno (Article author), Weiermair Peter (Article author), Matos José Sarmento de (Article author), Veiga Margarida (Article author), Serén Maria do Carmo (Article author)
Flower Frederick William, Lemos Fernando, Molder Jorge, Marques António Leitão, Moniz Adolpho, Martins Manuel Costa, Moraes José Augusto da Cunha, Nozolino Paulo, Palla Victor, Pereira Albano da Silva, Piçarra Mariano, Reis Aurélio da Paz dos, Ribeiro Orlando, Rocchini Francesco, Rodrigues José M., Silva Аugusto Alves da, Silva Joaquim Possidónio Narciso da, Sousa Joaquim Augusto de, Almeida Helena, Alvão Domingos, Ribeiro João Baptista, Alves Manuel Valente, Biel Emílio, Calvet Carlos, Duarte António Júlio
New Brunswick
250 pages
Available on request
770 Siz
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