documenta 5
documenta 5 was the fifth edition of documenta, a quinquennial contemporary art exhibition. It was held between 30 June and 8 October 1972 in Kassel. The artistic director was Harald Szeemann. The title of the exhibition was: Befragung der Realität — Bildwelten heute/ Questioning Reality — Pictorial worlds today
documenta, Painting, Installation, Conceptual art, Performance, Political art, Photography
Brock Bazon (Article author), Szeemann Harald (Article author), Lorenzen Halke (Article author)
Nitsch Hermann, Broodthaers Marcel, Horn Rebecca, Boltanski Christian, Duchamp Marcel, Baselitz Georg, Beuys Joseph, Hesse Eva, Acconci Vito, Ono Yoko, Brus Günter, Johns Jasper, Nauman Bruce, Gilbert & George, Rinke Klaus, Pisani Vettor, Fox Terry, Penone Giuseppe, Immendorff Jörg, Elk Ger van, Graham Dan, Lamelas David, Leslie Alfred, Kohlhöfer Christof, Samaras Lucas, Sieverding Katharina, Brouwn Stanley, Buren Daniel, Dibbets Jan, Dominicis De Gino, Le Va Barry, Merz Mario, Oppenheim Dennis, Rückriem Ulrich, Serra Richard, Weiner Lawrence, Burgin Victor, Darboven Hanne, Fulton Hamish, LeWitt Sol, Long Richard, Mangold Robert, Bochner Mel, Roehr Peter, Ruppersberg Allen, Ruscha Ed, Ryman Robert, Zorio Gilberto, Blase Karl Oskar, Schult HA, Javacheff Christo Vladimirov, Brehmer K.P., Moses Ed, Asher Michael, Tuttle Richard, Palermo Blinky, Marden Brice, Wegman William, Smithson Robert, Martin Agnes, Barry Robert, Baldessari John, Haacke Hans, Oldenburg Claes
776 pages
Available on request
707.4 Kas
- Sogni / Dreams1999
- La Biennale di Venezia : 55. Esposizione Internazionale d'Arte. Il Palazzo Enciclopedico / The Encyclopedic Palace1999
- 3rd Thessaloniki Biennale of Contempopary Art: A Rock and a Hard Place2011
- 4-я международная биеннале станковой графики “Калининград — Кёнигсберг 96”. Каталог / 4th international biennial of easel graphic art “Kaliningrad — Konigsberg '96”. Catalogue1996
- La Biennale di Venezia 51. international art exhibition: Participating countries. Collateral events2005
- 1‑я Московская биеннале современного искусства. Путеводитель / 1st Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art. Guidebook2005
- 5th Berlin Biennial for Contemporary Art: When Things Cast no Shadow2008
- XLV Esposizione internazionale d'arte : Punti cardinali dell'arte1993
- II. documenta. Druckgrafik1959
- Петербургская биеннале музейного дизайна «Форма»2014
- 1‑я Уральская индустриальная биеннале современного искусства «Ударники мобильных образов». Основной проект / 1st Ural Industrial Biennial of Contemporary Art «Shockworkers of the Mobile Image». The Main Project2010
- Время обнимать и уклоняться от объятий2021