Disability and Art History
This is the first book of its kind to feature interdisciplinary art history and disability studies scholarship. Art historians have traditionally written about images of figures with impairments and artworks by disabled artists, without integrating disability studies scholarship, while many disability studies scholars discuss works of art, but do not necessarily incorporate art historical research and methodology. The chapters in this volume emphasize a shift away from the medical model of disability that is often scrutinized in art history by considering the social model and representations of disabled figures from a range of styles and periods, mostly from the twentieth century. Topics addressed include visible versus invisible impairments; scientific, anthropological, and vernacular images of disability; and the theories and implications of looking/staring versus gazing. They also explore ways in which art responds to, envisions, and at times stereotypes and pathologizes disability. The insights offered in this book contextualize understanding of disability historically, as well as in terms of medicine, literature, and visual culture.
Documentary, Painting, Inclusiveness, Art history and art criticism, 20th‑century history, Cinema, Music, Performance, Realism, Religion, Sculpture, Surrealism, Photography, Expressionism
Watson Keri (Article author), Hiles Timothy W. (Article author), Millett-Gallant Ann (Article author, Preface), Cachia Amanda (Article author), Howie Elizabeth (Article author, Preface), Gassaway William T. (Article author), Stone Rebecca R. (Article author), Marno Anne (Article author), Kafai Shayda (Article author), Heindl Nina (Article author)
Quinn Marc, Schlingensief Christoph, Bourke-White Margaret, Lamm Nomy, Page Susan Harbage, Żmijewski Artur, Shonibare Yinka, Yi Chun-Shan, Bellmer Hans, Chapman Dinos, Dix Otto, Bartana Yael, Bufano Lisa
200 pages
Available on request
370 How
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