The Places and Spaces of Fashion, 1800–2007
The Places and Spaces of Fashion, 1800–2007 brings together art, design, fashion, and a much neglected concern for its spatial realities. The spaces and places of fashion have often been overlooked in the writing of fashion history and visual culture. More often than not, however, these environments mitigate, control, inform, and enhance how fashion is experienced, performed, consumed, seen, exhibited, purchased, appreciated and of course displayed. Space, as this volume attempts to illustrate, is itself a representational strategy on par with and influencing the visibility and visuality of fashion. Innovative and challenging, the essays in this volume explore various physical and conceptual spaces, moving from physical environments to the two-dimensional with paintings, illustrations, and photographs to chart similarities, differences, and complex nuanced relationships between environments, fashion, identities, and visuality. The volume also navigates various sites (both permanent and temporary) of production, circulation, exhibition, consumption, and promotion of fashion that define meaning and knowledge about a culture or individual by providing for a bond between embodied consumers/spectators and fashion objects.
Dimant Elyssa (Article author), Denny Margaret (Article author), Muscau Francesca (Article author), Larocci Louisa (Article author), Klug Emily R. (Article author), Matheson Rebecca Jumper (Article author), Potvin John (Article author, Preface), Bedford Christopher (Article author), David Alison Matthew (Article author), Osborne Vanessa (Article author), Brevik-Zender Heidi (Article author), Anderson Anne (Article author), Clemente Deirdre (Article author), Ganeva Mila (Article author), McNeil Peter (Article author)
New York City
272 pages
Available on request
746 Pot
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