Stuart Hall: Conversations, Projects and Legacies
This volume from Goldsmiths Press examines the career of the cultural studies pioneer Stuart Hall, investigating his influence and revealing lesser‑known facets of his work. These essays evaluate the legacies of his particular brand of cultural studies and demonstrate how other scholars and activists have utilized his thinking in their own research. Throughout, Hall's colleagues and collaborators assess his theoretical and methodological standpoints, his commitment to the development of a flexible form of revisionist Marxism, and the contributions of his specific mode of analysis to public debates on Thatcherism, neoliberalism, and multiculturalism. In her contribution, Angela Davis argues that the model of politics, ideology, and race initially developed by Hall and his colleagues in England continues to resonate when applied to America's racialized policing. Other essays focus on Hall's contributions to contemporary political debate and questions of race, ethnicity, identity, migrancy, and diaspora, and discuss Hall's continuing involvement in issues of representation and aesthetics in the visual arts, particularly photography and film.
Cinema, Marxism, Neoliberalism, Political science, Feminism, Photography
Henriques Julian (Article author), Morley David (Article author), Mort Frank (Article author), Brunsdon Charlotte (Article author), Sealy Mark (Article author), Chen Kuan-Hsing (Article author), Massey Doreen (Article author), Edgar David (Article author), Brah Avtar (Article author), Chambers Iain (Article author), Davis Angela (Article author), Lumley Bob (Article author), Hebdige Dick (Article author), Sovik Liv (Article author), Hall Catherine (Article author), Clarke John (Article author), McRobbie Angela (Article author), Rustin Michael (Article author), Grossberg Lawrence (Article author), Jefferson Tony (Article author), Peters Roy (Article author), Schwarz Bill (Article author), Curran James (Article author), Melville Caspar (Article author), Young Lola (Article author), Akomfrah John (Article author)
322 pages
Available on request
701.18 Gob
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