Printemps: High Art
For 150 years, the French department store Printemps has been the temple of chic for Parisians, a symbol of elegance, beauty and style. It has clothed generations of fashionable men and women in the latest trends from throughout the world. Printemps is where everything associated with fashion can be found: items from the stores own famous Primavera studios, which have offered Art Deco works to all since the 1920s; collaborations with Paul Poiret, Pierre Cardin, Christian Lacroix, and Karl Lagerfeld; windows staged by Nick Knight and Chanel; capsule collections from Victoria Beckham and Manolo Blahnik; posters drawn by Raoul Dufy, Ren. Gruau, and Philippe Delhomme: the style showcase goes on and on. Here, the history of Printemps is presented in three luxurious pink volumesone each on Fashion, Art, and Societyhoused in an elegant white slipcase.
New York City
96 pages
Available on request
746 Rac
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