London Architecture & Design
London may be known as a city of grey for its persistently cloudy skies, but when it comes to everything else, few cities on the planet can boast such colorful palette of converging cultures and styles. Inherently vibrant and extraordinarily diverse, it has been one of the most important settlements on the globe for nearly two millennia and still stands today as an international leader in virtually every aspect of a modern society. Architecture is undoubtedly one of its most remarkable assets, its wealth of architectural gems transforming the city into an outdoor museum for tourists and locals alike. In addition to harboring an impressive array of historical landmarks, london continues to thrive as a breeding ground for groundbreaking architecture and cutting edge design. This book presents a selection of the most recent and significant buildings and interiors in London, including the work of renowned architects like Norman Foster and Richard Rogers as well as emerging local practices that have equally contributed to this kaleidoscopic city's flourishing architectural and interior design panorama. All projects will be listed in alphabetical order to the architects and designers, presented in a very clear layout. As far as available floor plans will give additional insights.
238 pages
Available on request
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