Selected Subaltern Studies
This provocative volume presents the most wide-ranging essays from the first five volumes of Subaltern Studies, along with an introductory essay by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak — the translator of Derrida’s Of Grammatology into English — and a foreword by eminent critic Edward W. Said. Together, the essays examine aspects of the analysis of domination, with special reference to the critique of imperialism, in an attempt to rectify the elitist bias characteristic of much academic work on India. A ground-breaking work of considerable pedagogical relevance for courses dealing with colonialism and imperialism in literature, sociology, anthropology, politics, and history, Subaltern Studies also features a comprehensive glossary of Indian terms for readers not familiar with Indian history.
Pandey Gyanendra (Article author), Spivak Gayatri Chakravorty (Article author), Arnold David (Article author), Amin Shahid (Article author), Chatterjee Partha (Article author), Bhadra Gautam (Article author), Chakrabarty Dipesh (Article author), Guha Ranajit (Article author), Said Edward Wadie (Preface)
New York City
434 pages
Open stacks
701.20 Guh
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- Советский кишлак: между колониализмом и модернизацией2015
- Occidentalism: Modernity and Subjectivity2000
- The Location of Culture1994
- The Nation and Its Fragments: Colonial and Postcolonial Histories1993
- Интеграция мигрантов: концепции и практики2015
- Культура и империализм2012
- The Scramble for Africa: White Man's Conquest of the Dark Continent from 1876 to 19121991
- Внутренняя колонизация. Имперский опыт России2016
- Out there. Marginalization and Contemporary Cultures1990
- On the Postcolony2001
- Россия и Тунис. Из истории отношений в 1780–1917 гг. Архивные документы и свидетельства современников2008