Fashion That Changed the World
This book is a sumptuous, exquisitely designed exploration of the most influential fashion icons, ideas, designers, pieces, and trends from throughout history. What did Vogue’s first cover look like? When did film stars become part of the fashion industry? What led to the development of ready-to-wear clothing? These and other questions are answered in this eye-opening look at different aspects of the history of fashion from Elizabeth I’s “Mask of Youth”, to Lady Gaga’s “meat dress”. Arranged by topic, the lavishly illustrated chapters explore themes such as war and the military; ready-to wear; fashion in film, art, and sports; celebrity; gay and lesbian fashion; globalization; and the internet.
192 pages
Open stacks
746 Cro
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- V&A Pattern: Spitalfields Silks2011
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- The Steampunk User's Manual: An Illustrated Practical and Whimsical Guide to Creating Retro‑futurist Dreams2014