Oxford Handbook of Civil Society
In the past two decades,'civil society' has become a central organizing concept in the social sciences. Occupying the middle ground between the state and private life, the civil sphere encompasses everything from associations to protests to church groups to nongovernmental organizations. Interest in the topic exploded with the decline of statism in the 1980s and 1990s, and many of our current debates about politics and social policy are informed by the renewed focus on civil society. Michael Edwards, author of the most authoritative single-authored book on civil society, serves as the editor for The Oxford Handbook of Civil Society. Broadly speaking, the book views the topic through three prisms: as a part of society (voluntary associations), as a kind of society (marked out by certain social norms), and as a space for citizen action and engagement (the public square or sphere). It does not focus solely on the West (a failing of much of the literature to date), but looks at civil society in both the developed and developing worlds. Throughout, it merges theory, practice, and empirical research in innovative ways. In sum, The Oxford Handbook on Civil Society is a definitive work on the topic.
Chandhoke Neera (Article author), Diani Mario (Article author), Sidel Mark (Article author), Hulme David (Article author), Horwitz Claudia (Article author), Boyte Harry C. (Article author), Kunreuther Frances (Article author), Ibrahim Solava (Article author), Kohn Sally (Article author), Lesch Charles H.T. (Article author), Pearce Jenny (Article author), Calhoun Craig (Article author), Ehrenberg John (Article author), Howell Jude (Article author), Nicholls Alex (Article author), Levine Peter (Article author), Miller Donald E. (Article author), Gaventa John (Article author), Warren Mark E. (Article author), Lewis Charles (Article author), Dangino Evelina (Article author), Eliasoph Nina (Article author), Obadare Ebenezer (Article author), Ruesga G.Albert (Article author), Skocpol Theda (Article author), Rosenblum Nancy L. (Article author), Schambra William A. (Article author), Zadek Simon (Article author), Woolcock Michael (Article author), Jordan Lisa (Article author), Fowler Alan (Article author), Bolzendahl Catherine (Article author), Kienle Eberhard (Article author), Shaffer Krista L. (Article author), Edwards Michael (Preface)
New York City
516 pages
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