Art Deco
The Art Deco style is so recognizable and widespread that its original impact on the culture in which it emerged has been all but lost in the clutter of imitation. This book draws our attention back to the birth of Art Deco a period between two devastating world wars when industrialization was flourishing, interest in archaeology was peaking, and movements such as Cubism, Constructivism, Futurism, and Modernism were turning the art world on its head. Brilliantly designed to reflect the style it celebrates, “Art Deco” is filled with hundreds of examples of painting, architecture, interiors, jewelry, crafts, furniture, and fashion. Author Norbert Wolf traces the chronology of the Art Deco style by looking at the politics and culture of Europe in the 1920s and early 30s and the artistic movements that paralleled its popularity. He follows Art Deco s influence in Europe and its spread to the Americas and Asia. Most importantly, this wide-ranging volume looks beyond the era of Art Deco s origination to the present day. Pointing to the numerous revivals and contemporary echoes in painting and even literature, this beautiful volume demonstrates the style's lasting importance”.
Данные книги
1920‑е, Архитектура, Ар‑деко, Графика, Дизайн и декоративно‑прикладное искусство, Живопись, Иллюстрация, История выставок, Кубизм, Мода, Реклама, Скульптура, Футуризм
Dodo, Dupas Jean Theodore, Шилер Чарльз, Маншип Пол, Беллинг Рудольф, Дикс Отто, Руссоло Луиджи, Боччони Умберто, Phocas Suzanne, Матисс Анри, Кассандр, Лемпицка Тамара де, О’Киф Джорджия Тотто, Иофан Борис, Хётгер Бернгард, Radler Max, Хоффман Йозеф, Демут Чарльз, Хоппер Эдвард, Брёйер Марсель, Мухина Вера
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709.040 Art
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