Conversation Piece: A Film by Luchino Visconti
This volume presents Conversation Piece, the iconic movie from 1974 by Luchino Visconti, and includes a newly restored version of the film plus numerous interviews on a special DVD available exclusively in the U.S. as part of this book. The book showcases the beautiful set designs from the movie and the costumes designed by Fendi, and chronicles how pleased Visconti was with the designs for the film. It includes important documents and behind‑the‑scenes information about the creation of Silvana Mangano's chic costumes and the appearance of Fendi furs in several key scenes.
Данные книги
Интервью, Италия, Итальянский неореализм, Кинематограф, Критика, Мода, Фотография
Aspesi Natalia (Автор вступительной статьи), Конти Квирино (Автор статьи), Gonzalez-Palacios Alvar (Автор статьи)
Medioli Enrico, Cavani Liliana, Fendi Carla, Bacon Henry, Висконти Лукино, Guadagnino Luca, Porro Maurizio, Toffetti Sergio, D'Amico Caterina, Asti Adriana, Бертолуччи Бернардо, Fendi Anna, Tosi Piero
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791 Con
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