The Time of The Force Majeure: After 45 Years Counterforce is on the Horizon
This book offers a 21st-century manifesto from the pioneers of the eco-art movement. Since the 1970s Helen and Newton Harrison have been creating art inspired by the earth. They established a worldwide network among biologists, ecologists, architects, urban planners, politicians, and other artists to initiate collaborative dialogues about ideas and solutions which support biodiversity and community development. This definitive survey traces an influential joint career that has lasted nearly half a century. Organized chronologically, it features works from each decade, from their earliest installations to their continent-traversing work of the 1990s; and their most recent works both educating people about global warming and designing large scale responses to the phenomena itself.
Данные книги
Инсталляция, Природа, Урбанистика и градостроительство, Фотография, Экология
Фримантл Крис (Автор статьи), Спёрн Энн Уинстон (Автор статьи), Хартни Элеонора (Автор статьи), Малина Роджер Ф. (Автор статьи), Саган Дорион (Автор статьи), Манкевич Пол (Автор статьи), Douglas Anne (Автор статьи), Фокс Уильям Л. (Автор статьи)
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