Robert Indiana: Beyond Love
A richly-illustrated book that accompanies the recent exhibition at the Whitney and presents a full overview of the career of American artist, Robert Indiana. With generous illustrations, an appendix of the artist's interviews and statements, and contributions by leading experts, this book provides an analysis of the development of Indiana's career, his relationship to early-20th-century American painters, and his influence on contemporary language-based artists. In addition to an illustrated chronology, selected exhibition history, and selected bibliography, Robert Indiana: Beyond LOVE includes transcripts from roundtable discussions with key Indiana experts, such as Thomas Crow, Bill Katz, Robert Pincus-Witten, Susan Elizabeth Ryan, Robert Storr, Allison Unruh, and John Wilmerding, who offer compelling insights on the significance of Indiana and his art.
Данные книги
Живопись, Искусствознание и арт-критика, История ХХ века, Поп‑арт, США
Сторр Роберт, Хескелл Барбара, Барийо Рене Поль, Уилмердинг Джон, Николас Саша, Унру Эллисон, Кроу Томас Е., Кац Билл, Пинкус‑Уиттен Роберт, Райн Сьюзен Элизабет
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