L'autre moitie de l'Europe
The fall of the Berlin Wall showed that “The Other Half of Europe” possessed a strong and unprecedented artistic creation. This is what reveals us this exhibition that illustrates how close and different appear to us these creators who are no longer from Eastern Europe but from Eastern Europe. More than 40 artists or groups of artists from 12 countries of Central and Eastern Europe were gathered and the selection was established by three commissioners: Lorand Hegyi, Viktor Misiano and Anda Rottenberg, chosen for their knowledge of the contemporary art world, their cosmopolitan spirit and the finesse of their aesthetic and critical analyzes. The selected works, presented in four successive sections, reflect the creative diversity, the power of expression and the modernity of a contemporary artistic scene still poorly known. The following themes were selected: Memory, History, Biography, Social Reality, Existence, Politics, Enigma, Secret, Esotericism, Project, Utopia, Construction. This CD-ROM presents more than 400 works illustrated by 900 photographs, 67 extracts of films, numerous texts of artists, critics and documentary elements. The flexibility and interactivity of multimedia support allow confrontations and particularly dynamic approaches of the works, mixing the sound and the movement with the image and allowing a personalized and inventive navigation. This CD-Rom constitutes the catalog of the exhibition “The other half of Europe”, presented by the National Gallery of the Jeu de Paume in Paris, in four successive sections from 8 February to 21 June 2000.
Данные книги
Германия, Живопись, Московский концептуализм, Неофициальное искусство, Скульптура, Фотография, Чехия
Забел Игорь (Автор статьи), Декс Пьер (Автор статьи), Мизиано Виктор (Автор статьи), Хедьи Лоранд (Автор статьи), Rottenberg Anda (Автор статьи), Пиотровский Петр (Автор статьи)
Коллективные действия, Райк Ласло, Опалка Роман, Ригвава Гия, Новиков Тимур, Ракаускайте Эгле, Сенченко Георгий, Тоомик Яан, Водичко Кшиштоф, Krasinski Edward, Козыра Катаржина, Гутов Дмитрий, Эль-Хассан Роза, Димитриевич Брацо, Бахман Габор, Пельхан Марко, Савадов Арсен, Шерич-Шоба Небойша, Солаков Недко, Сикора Зденек, Малич Карел, Либера Збигнев, Шугар Янош, Лейдерман Юрий, Кулик Олег, Янин Сюзанна, Балка Мирослав, Колибаль Станислав, Hencze Tamas, Абаканович‑Космовска Марта Магдалена, Захаров Вадим, subREAL, Кабаков Илья, Бояджиев Лучезар, Кулик Зофья, Виталий Комар и Александр Меламид, Ирвин, Йованович Дьёрдь, Фишкин Вадим, Feher Laszlo
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