Futurism: An Anthology
In 1909, F.T. Marinetti published his incendiary Futurist Manifesto, proclaiming, “We stand on the last promontory of the centuries!” and “There, on the earth, the earliest dawn!” Intent on delivering Italy from “its fetid cancer of professors, archaeologists, tour guides, and antiquarians”, the Futurists imagined that art, architecture, literature, and music would function like a machine, transforming the world rather than merely reflecting it. But within a decade, Futurism’s utopian ambitions were being wedded to Fascist politics, an alliance that would tragically mar its reputation in the century to follow. Published to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the founding of Futurism, this is the most complete anthology of Futurist manifestos, poems, plays, and images ever to bepublished in English, spanning from 1909 to 1944. Now, amidst another era of unprecedented technological change and cultural crisis, is a pivotal moment to reevaluate Futurism and its haunting legacy for Western civilization.
Данные книги
Живопись, Музыка, Политическое искусство, Скульптура, Театр, Футуризм
Mori Marisa, Северини Джино, Прателла Франческо Балилла, Деперо Фортунато, Карра Карло, Аполлинер Гийом, Мунари Бруно, Балла Джакомо, Прамполини Энрико, Pannaggi Ivo, Маринетти Филиппо Томмазо, Dottori Gerardo, Руссоло Луиджи, Боччони Умберто
Нью‑Хейвен, Коннектикут
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