In this TASCHEN Basic Art introduction to Impressionism, we explore the artists, subjects, and techniques that first brought the easel out of the studio and shifted artistic attention from history, religion, or portraiture to the evanescent ebb and flow of modern life. As we tour the theaters, bars, and parks of Paris and beyond, we take in the movement’s radical innovations in style and subject, from the principle of plein air painting to the rapid, broken brushwork that allowed the Impressionists to emphasize spontaneity, movement, and the changing qualities of light. We take a close look at their unusual new perspectives and their fresh palette of pure, unblended colors, including many vividly bright shades that brought a whole new level of chromatic intensity to the canvas.
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Ван Гог Винсент, Писсарро Камиль, Россо Медардо, Моне Клод, Дега Эдгар, Слефогт Макс, Guillaumin Armand, Nittis Giuseppe de, Bazille Frederic, Кандинский Василий, Кайботт Гюстав, Uhde Fritz von, Segantini Giovanni Battista, Сикерт Уолтер Ричард, Сарджент Джон Сингер, Zandomeneghi Federico, Ренуар Пьер Огюст, Моризо Берта, Bracquemond Marie, Сёра Жорж, Либерман Макс, Синьяк Поль, Кэссетт Мэри, Сислей Альфред
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