Whatever Happened to Sex in Scandinavia?
“Whatever Happened to Sex in Scandinavia?” is a reader that brings together essays, artists’ writings and works, and countercultural publications to examine the juncture of the political and the erotic during the 1960s and 70s. Adopting as its starting point the postwar perception of Scandinavia as a socialist utopia of sexual freedom, it explores how the avant-garde artistic and cultural production of the time gravitated towards sexual and political liberation. “Whatever Happened to Sex in Scandinavia?” is the conclusion of a four-year research project, and includes many texts published in English here for the first time, by philosophers, artists, psychologists and theorists.
Данные книги
Гендерные исследования, Массовая культура, Перформанс, Постмодернизм, Сексуальность
Райнер Ивонна (Автор статьи), Weininger Otto (Автор статьи), Шнееманн Кэроли (Автор статьи), Райх Вильгельм (Автор статьи), Фальстрём Ойвинд (Автор статьи), Сонтаг Сьюзен (Автор статьи), Митчелл Жюльет (Автор статьи), Маркузе Герберт (Автор статьи)
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